Dr. Mandelblum was born in Venezuela. has a 30-year professional medical career. He received his Doctor Medicine Degree at the University of Los Andes. After several years of serving less privileged communities in rural areas and conducting specialized studies in corneal transplantation and glaucoma, he decided to pursue a postgraduate degree in the United States.
After fulfilling the requirements of the "Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates," he completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the prestigious Albert Einstein School of Medicine in Long Island, New York.
Before joining the Soma Medical Center, P.A. Group in 2013, he practiced in the private field of medicine in Bradenton, Florida, where he held the position of Medical Director at a rehabilitation center for patients with dementia and brain damage. He has also been a member and president of various hospital committees on the east and west coasts of Florida. He was also the physician for the Youth Athletic Program conducted by the Bradenton Police. In the past he was a speaker of different pharmaceutical companies. He has been interviewed in different oportunities by telemundo 51 on current health related events. he also participated as a coinvestigator in pharmaceutical trials. Homeland Security has selected him as a civilian surgeon to conduct medical examinations in immigration processes.
As a husband and father of 4 children, he is committed to providing the best possible care to his patients with compassion and respect. In 2008, he and his wife received the "Tree of Life" award from the Jewish National Foundation in recognition of their strong commitment to the community and the State of Israel.
As the Hippocratic Oath states, "I experience the pleasure of healing those who seek my help". Dr. Mandelblum.